Sep 29, 2020
The All Together drink is actually a cost effective recipe created by Other Half Brewing made to be a global collaboration among breweries. The All Together campaign invites all breweries to use the recipe, name, and artwork to raise awareness for local hospitality workers in their respective communities. The campaign also requests that a portion of proceeds go directly to hospitality workers. The low cost recipe is designed to help breweries weather the storm while business slowly returns to normal. Over 800+ breweries participated in the campaign.
Overall Rob gave this low cost Stony Creek Version a 5.7 out of 10. Kev gave a rating of 4.2. While we weren't crazy about the grapefruit taste, we're still happy to share the special story and glad we gave it a shot.
Kev finally watched The Last Dance documentary series made in 2020 revolving around Michael Jordan's final season with the Bulls. The documentary focuses on the championship run during the unforgettable 97-98 season. We talked about the intense mentality of Jordan that ignited the rest of the entire franchise. We also point out that Jordan's competitors enjoy feeding into his legacy. They enjoy sharing stories of getting beat by the greatest basketball player of all time.
Other topics of episode 3 include discussing the lack of personality on professional networking platform LinkedIn and talking about Introverts/Extraverts.
If you like this episode, you can check out our Previous Episode here. And if you would like to support the show, take a look at our Patreon page. With Patreon you can support us financially so we can at least break even on our expenses, expand faster, and keep exploring new drinks.